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my beliefs

Is it a blog? A book?

No, not a portfolio.

A vlog? No, it's me.

Who I am, how I think, work and act.

Nice to meet you.

martin cornelissen

martin cornelissen

creative solutions

nice to meet you

Children inspire us with their energy, creativity and honesty.
Never losing your inner child is a lifesaver.

Believe in technology.

It makes progress possible.

Too much of it however...

Intuition never lies.

It's inexplicable fast thinking

and therefore a higher form of intelligence.

Trust your inner voice.

We aren’t logic.

That’s merely the rational side of us.
We’re emotion.

“Image is the gun,

  sound is the bullet."

  It’s the feeling you add to something that makes it stick.

No one is unique.
  You’re just a little bit different.

  Simply emphasize it.


My favorite is this mad idea

created by L’Auto-Vélo in 1903.

Le tour de France.

Imaging you would do it now.

Creativity is everywhere.

My little bible, by Dave Trott.

Order here.

“When asleep, I work.   
  When awake, I wonder.”

The moment I almost fall asleep, solutions pop up.

During the night my brains render them. I wake up with a head start and a smile.

Serendipity is what makes us different from computers.

Humans make mistakes, beautiful mistakes.

They might be the answer for something big.

Never waste a good story.

It can last.

Humor works best

when you are the one people are laughing at.

I love riding my bike, relentlesly.

The monohandling,

the horizon that doesn’t come closer.

Thoughts posses yourself and you can run them over

and over in your head,

just like your pedals.

A state of happiness is the arrival.

my fuel
martin cornelissen

Being the youngest of nine children,

I was stubborn and wanted to stand out.

It made me what I still am,

100% rebellious.
Something that became quite helpful

when I rolled into the marketing business.

Striking solutions break through the clutter.

my solutions

Well, to start with, solutions are never ‘mine’ alone.

It’s a team effort.

Solutions pop up when we share our thoughts on the job to be done.

even apeldoorn bellen

centraal beheer

the economist

the word on the street

hallo jumbo



we all benefit

And pinpointing the challenge is key.

Because the question is more important than the answer.

Only then decisions can be made.


samen gaan we voor duurzaam




More solutions

achmea ontzorgt


huiselijk geweld

een veilig thuis

my vision
my cv

The world is changing rapidly but the major principles of communication remain as powerful as ever. So, nothing has changed, really. Except that there are infinitely more playgrounds now than advertising alone.

Bill Bernbach once said: "If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is academic". Nowadays we can say: "If your brand goes unnoticed, everything else is academic".

In order to give brands and products the market they desire, marketing has to reskin itself. That means we have to see brands bigger than just brands, we have to start seeing them as living organisms.

Organisms that are founded on a deep human insight and embrace the receivers’ perspective. Because the magic lies in relevance.

Organisms that believe in bottom up strategy for communication, wasting nothing.

Organisms that explore new ways to express their interest in people.


To gain sympathy.

Still the most powerfull principle.


I lean on a broad experience with beautiful challenges for many clients.

From corporate to governmental. From retail to NGO’s. From B2B to B2C, or even better: C2C. And it does not matter to me whether you are a global brand, a SME, a start-up or a baker.


independent creative  

@  publicis  -   fhv/bbdo  -   open now  -   van santen netwerk  -

royal concertgebouworchestra  -  bigbang  -  mandarine fashion  -

staatsinteractive  -  bohemia  -  mensch  -  ............ -

fhv/bbdo -  executive creative director 

lowe  -  executive creative director 

ddb  -  executive creative director 

pmsvw/y&r  -  senior creative 

fhv/bbdo  -  junior  -  senior creative 

traject  -  junior creative

gerrit rietveld academy

graphic school amsterdam

hervormd lyceum west

born in amsterdam












Martin Cornelissen

I deliver creative solutions,

inspired by what or who you are.

I’m Martin and I use original thinking to address business and communication challenges.

martin cornelissen

creative solutions

martin cornelissen

martin cornelissen

veenpolderstraat 55a

2013 vb haarlem

the netherlands

+31 6 20 85 79 22

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